As a smart seller, you will want your home to look like a model home before putting it on the market. There may be many things that you would like to repair in your home before putting it on the market. Making the right repairs will make all of the difference when it comes to pricing and selling your home! Here are the seven most important repairs you will want to focus on:1. Fix or update your flooring. Hardwood flooring is king but is yours scratched or in need of refinishing? If so, refinishing is a step you should take. The great thing about refinishing hardwood floors is that you will recoup an estimated 100% of what you put into the project.
2. Fix any water stains on your ceiling. Water stains on the ceiling signal a larger problem than just the ugly look of it to buyers. Hire a plumber to see if there is anything that should be fixed and repair the ceiling. When it comes to paying for the updates, all of these options are cheaper than a lost sale!
3. Repair any torn window screens. A torn window screen screams “cheap” and when the fix is unbelievably inexpensive, there is no excuse not to repair this minor problem.
4. Replace or clean your grout. Cracked grout not only looks bad but it also lets water in which can result in a mold problem. If your grout is just yellow, consider a strong cleaning to make it look new. Either way, nice looking grout can go a long way in impressing buyers.
5. Clean up your lawn. When buyers come around and see a dry, patchy lawn, they may think to themselves that it would be too much work to buy this home. Hire a lawn care service to apply fertilizer and weed control and you could recoup double what you spent!
6. Fix any pet damage. Maybe you just have a few scratches on a door, but refinishing the door means the buyers won’t give it a second glance or any reason to pass over your home.
7. Revive an old kitchen. Don’t think a total overhaul for your kitchen; you will rarely recoup those costs. But going for low-cost, high-impact projects such as painting wood cabinets, updating hardware or installing new counter tops or appliances could give it the face lift it needs!
Your home is already a gem! Going over this list and picking projects that your home needs repaired will give you more of chance to have a successful sale! Talk to your Shorewest, REALTOR® about what projects they think you should give priority to for getting your home in shape.
Tags: Home, House, Important, Market, Projects, Repairs, Sale, Selling, selling your home, Shorewest Realtors, Success, Updates, Upgrades
Categories: DIY, Home Improvement, Home Selling, Homeowner, How to, Real Estate Tips
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